5 Ways To Reduce Stress And Protect Your Emotions During a Divorce


The Bottom Line, dealing with divorce is stressful. Without a doubt, divorce can be one of the most challenging experiences people will ever face. Be sure, for your sake and your children’s, that divorce is what you want. Here are three things you can do to reduce stress during a divorce and stay protected from making common emotional mistakes.

Emotionally you can experience a grieving process during and, even after, your divorce. It’s important to remember that you can not control the behavior of someone else but you can control your own feelings and behavior. On top of your work life, home life, everyday routines and possibly school, the lack of communication or consideration from your spouse can feel amplified and almost overbearing.

One emotional decision during a heated conversation can lead to months or even years of unnecessary heart-ache. The American Heart Association shared with us some great advice for overcoming stressful situations. You can use these emergency stress stoppers all throughout your divorce to reduce stress and calm your emotions.

Don’t Hold On To Stress, Reduce and Release It!

  1. Think before you speak. Count to 10 before you respond during a heated conversation or go for a short brisk walk to relax. These small things can make a huge difference.
  2. If you make a mistake don’t be afraid to admit when you are wrong. If you find yourself having an argument over the toothpaste, chances are that discussion is about more that just the toothpaste. A simple, “I’m Sorry” could be the perfect solution.
  3. Stop and smell the roses. Pull out your cell phone and contact a loved one that you haven’t spoken to in a while or go and visit a friendly neighbor. Your emotions will shift you into a more courteous and relaxed mood when yo think about someone else.
  4. During a difficult time you must be sure to take care of yourself. Get plenty of sleep and as much as possible focus on positive things rather than negative parts of your divorce.
  5. Finally, don’t be to proud to seek the professional help of a counselor or a couples therapist. You can never be to advised in your marriage no matter how long you’ve been together.

Here are some of the links to the American Heart Association for dealing with and reducing stress.

Finding the right divorce attorney, having access to the right information about visitation, what to do next or just having someone to talk to doesn’t have to be a mystery. Unique Singles is having a Divorce Conference: Divorced Parenting in Action May 7th, 2011 from 1:PM – 6:PM in Austell, Ga, 30168 at the South Cobb Community Center. ADMISSION IS ABSOLUTELY FREE! You don’t want to miss this… Single and divorced parents are welcome.

Event Details for Divorced Parenting In Action

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